September 1, 2020
An active member of the National Guard since April 2011, Tim Yarrish has been with the company since December 2018.
Tim nominated Bob Styles for The Patriot Award through ESGR (ESGR stands for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve) and Bob received the award!
“I took the time to nominate Bob because in my first year and a half here at ModernfoldStyles he has demonstrated tremendous support and compassion for his employees. He grants us the freedom to govern ourselves as professionals without micromanaging or creating a stressful or chaotic work environment. He is a personable leader and when in the office makes time to greet everyone. In addition to this, I am provided the flexibility to work from home or on the road when I have military orders to report to. Some employers can make this extremely tough for soldiers. I have heard numerous nightmare stories from fellow soldiers about conflicts between their civilian employer and their guard duties. Every time I talk to my fellow soldiers about this company, they tell me how lucky I am to be with such a company and that should speak volumes of Bob and this company. Another reason I felt compelled to nominate Bob is for the way he managed the COVID crisis. He was able to keep us fully staffed during the COVID pandemic at a time when it was crippling other businesses.” – Tim Yarrish
We are all truly grateful for Bob’s compassionate leadership style and are proud to work here. Join us in extending our congratulations to Bob Styles and to Tim Yarrish for his service, his dedication to ModernfoldStyles, Inc. and for taking the time to so beautifully nominate Bob for this prestigious honor.